Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are publishers killing Web advertising? Yes!

Are publishers killing Web advertising? We think so. Check out this piece on how publishers are killing Web advertising by Jim Spanfeller, the outgoing president and CEO of Forbes.com. Spanfeller argues that the industry is devaluing its own online ad presence, and we agree. "A publisher can and should price their inventory at levels that will meet the market expectations and drive their business model. What they should not do is allow some sort of invisible hand (or should I say hands) to price their inventory against a backdrop of objectives that can and often does change at a moment’s notice. This practice has fundamentally driven pricing down across the web and, perhaps more importantly, changed the success metrics from ones based on 'demand creation' to ones driven by 'demand fulfillment.' " Amen! This is what happens when you don't have a Web strategy, which means you have no ad strategy. We see this disastrous trend in too many places. How is your company addressing this issue?

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